True Math: Part 1 Fractions And Decimals Are Mind Parasites!

The smallest unit is 1, you can’t have a piece of a unit, you just have a smaller unit. Fractions of 1 unit of something is not that something anymore, its just a piece of that something. You can’t have fractions of a unit and still call it a unit of that thing. When measuring the number of humans that live within a square mile, would you count by number of kidneys within that square mile? Would you measure the number of humans by the number of fingers each human had? Kidneys and fingers are simply pieces of a single…

The Shape Of The Earth Doesn’t Matter At All

Why do people get so worked up about the shape of the earth? It has almost zero effect on basic humans day and life, zero. It could be unicorn shaped and it would have zero effect on any persons day to day reality. Why not have some fun with it. Evidence The Earth Is A Globe: -Watch a ship sail off to sea.-Watch a lunar eclipse.-Climb a tree.-Travel through different time zones-Watch a sunset-Measure shadows-Google International Space Station photos-Look at the stars-Take a round-the-world flight-Get a weather balloon-Compare shadows-Earths shadow on the moon-The pull of gravity-A planes center of mass-Images…

Villagers, Snakes, Warriors, and Hunters

Villagers: Most people are villagers, like 70%. They have a moral compass and cannot discern truth from fiction. They want to do good, are honest, and mostly they just want to provide for their family. A moral compass changes according to how an argument is given to them. Like an actual compass it changes according to position presented. The solution to this is to give the villagers a moral code through religion. A moral code does not change according to position, it is set in stone and unmovable. A religion provides a moral code to the villagers. A villager who…

Divinely Simple Computer Programming Part 1: The Buzzwords

A ‘buzzword’ blurs comprehension of reality. Computer programming has thousands of buzzwords. Many buzzwords get used in more than one programming language. Many mean different things depending on the programming language. The secret to learning computer programming quickly and succinctly is to understand the buzzwords that get used throughout all programming languages. To help facilitate comprehension, I will attempt to breakdown all of the thousands of buzzwords used in computer programming into just a small handful. I suspect this will make it incredibly easy (comparatively) for someone new to computer programming to grasp and learn it. ENVIRONMENT: The term environment…

Best Television Show In The Last 5 Years: Vinland Saga

Are you a star wars fan, a fan of marvel comics, a batman fan, a trekkie(star trek fan), a ghostbusters fan, a game of thrones fan etc? Are you tired of hollywood grabblers ruining every iconic story of your childhood? Have you become disillusioned with your regularly scheduled black mirror mind control brainwashing? I have a solution to your ‘problem’. The Japanese. Japanese anime and manga remain unblemished by the degenerate, scum of the earth, grabblers of the world. I consider Japanese anime and manga the last bastion of quality storytelling that remains relatively untouched by the social justice zombies….

Atheists Are Incredibly Easy To Influence And Brainwash

It has recently occurred to me that the majority of the intellectuals, academics, scholars of today are outspoken atheists. Atheism only SEEMs like the smart choice to explain the universe. Things are not what they seem. Here is why: PART 1: The Universe Is Not A 2-Dollar Random Particle Crack Whore, The Universe Is Divinely Simple And Ordered Atheists often bring up the ‘monkeys-on-typewriters’ analogy(that given enough time monkeys could eventually write a shakespeare play on typewriters) to explain how, given enough time and space, random processes can lead to extremely improbable events. Well lets test it. Instead of Shakespeare…

Introduction To Nen, Miracles, Super Powers, And Magic Part 1

Wim Hof Breathing: Increased Oxygen In Lungs, Increases pH Guinness world record holder, Wim Hof aka ‘The Iceman’, uses a breathing method that allows him to control his unconscious bodily functions. He uses this method to perform super human feats otherwise impossible. He has demonstrated his abilities repeatedly, hundreds of times, and under massive amounts of scientific and academic scrutiny. Wim Hof explains that his breathing works because it increases the pH of his bloodstream, aka it makes it more alkaline. pH and blood viscocity are directly interconnected, when pH increases, viscosity will decrease in specific proportion. Increased alkalinity decreases…

The Social-Sexual Hierarchy

The social-sexual hierarchy is a system to help men categorize their position within groups of men and how they look to women. It is fractal in nature. For example you could be an Alpha at work but only a Delta or Bravo among friends. I have found this system to be incredibly helpful in dealing with other men, especially ones that you need to work with. Alphas: Alphas are leaders of men. Telling people what to do is as natural as breathing for an Alpha. They enjoy having their ego stroked. They are very attractive to women. Textbook example in…